Wednesday, September 25, 2013

If You're Disrespectful And You Know It...

 Read this post. 
It's amazing. The mean words I see traveling through cyber space amazes me. It's so easy to be mean and nasty if you aren't looking someone in the eye. It's creating a society that's plain old nasty.
I'm all for being truthful and speaking your mind, but there is something to be said for censoring yourself.
The big problem with this is that it is teaching our future world leaders it's ok to be disrespectful, as long as you don't have to look someone in the eye. 
One of my favorite movie quotes is from Lethal Weapon 2. "So you're a telephone tough guy?" That's what we are turning into, telephone tough guys.
There have always been mean people in the world. It just seems now, everyone thinks it's ok to be mean.
It's not.
I'm guilty of it too. Absolutely. I post things on Facebook I would not say to someone if I were face-to-face with them. I try not to, but sometimes, I do. I usually feel guilty later, but it's out there. Not to mention, it's out there forever.
Think before you type/text/speak.