Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Five Reasons I Get Out Of Bed Every Day #4


Simply put, I get out of bed every day for me.

I remind myself every day that I have to take care of myself. Easier said than done.

Most days, I don't want to get out of bed, but I do.

As you've seen up to this point, I have three very good reasons to do that.

This reason is equally important. I have something to contribute to the world.

I'm a teacher, I'm a writer, I'm a parent, I'm a friend, I'm a wife, and so much more. All of those things come together to make me a pretty awesome puzzle. I wouldn't be who I am without even just one of those pieces. I'm still far from complete.

I discover something new about myself all the time. I'm not ready to decide that that's all for me.

Depression is a nasty monster that hides in the dark places in the back of your mind. The places that you don't ever let anyone see. The crevices that are embarrassing, hateful, slovenly, and lonely. I don't want to be defined as any of those things.

So, I swing my feet over the edge of the bed every morning for myself. To remind myself that those ugly places are just a portion of who I am.

It's always said that you have to take care of yourself first and that's one of my small victories every day.

It's a struggle to remind myself that I want more than to sit in bed and wallow. I want to remember the great things my kids have done. I want to be present.

I get out of bed every day for myself, to remind me that I am a bad ass warrior.

I am important.


photo credit: Rage In the Dark (license)
Goddess Nike (license)