Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Am I the only hypocrite on the internet. Obviously, I'm not, but the question will stop and make you think won't it?

I genuinely worry about people. I really do. I think about all of the foulness in this world and the wrongs that happen to people, good people. Not celebrities that appear in every tabloid and scream about privacy.

If you really cared about privacy you wouldn't walk around in mini-skirts with no panties and give crotch shots getting in and out of your limo. And yes, I understand you don't want to be bothered while you're grocery shopping, but I have no sympathy. I take 3 kids grocery shopping with me, I'd rather be followed by a swarm of paparazzi!

I worry about real people with real problems. Cancer, alcoholism, heart attacks. (This next sentence is not going to set well with a few people so I'm putting in a disclaimer: I understand pets are a part of your family and that you love them.) BUT I will NOT pray for your pet earthworm who is on his death bed because your cat thought it was a toy.

And since I'm calling myself out here, I'll be honest. I don't pray. So when you ask me to pray for your ill family member (and yeah I've done the same thing - see -  hypocrite coming through!), I'm not praying, I'm thinking "Oh man! I hope they get better!"

I have no special powers, no direct line to God, and definitely no pull in how the universe works, but I do sincerely hope your family member gets well.

According to the English language, the word Hypocrite is Hypocritical in its self. Everyone knows the silent "e" makes the preceding vowel LONG!


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