Saturday, July 7, 2012

It's only little league...

This is my mantra for the next 4 days. I have to keep reminding myself that these are just kids.

I have competition issues. I'm a very competitive person, the person who has to  have the last word. I like to win, to be on top. My kids have a bit of that too.

We played kickball one day this summer with my kids, their friends, and a friend of mine. We had so much fun. My middle son says to me after hitting me with the ball  and getting me out, "Naw, Mom. It doesn't count, you're elderly!" My response was abrupt turn around and chase him across the field. After this episode he and I spent 20 minutes recounting the game up until that point because our scores differed. He wouldn't even let me pull the "I'm Mom and that's what I say it is" card!

They used to be just happy to play, but they're now starting to want to play and want to win. I try to keep it positive, but there are some times when I want to go "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING?!"

I think the coaches need to remember that too. All-Stars is a whole different can of worms...but I still try to keep it light...After all, they are only kids (but when the ball drops in front of you you SHOULD HAVE CAUGHT IT!).

One attracts more fly balls with an open glove and fast feet!


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