To be unhappy.
Once again, hear me out.
Yes, there are people out there who have it worse than you do, but what's happening to you is happening to YOU! You're entitled to feel however you want to feel about the situation.
Yes, there are altruistic people out there doing the unthinkable. You should empathize with them, but that doesn't change the weight of your own feelings.
If your shoelace broke and you had to walk five blocks home before you could change shoes, feel annoyed, angry, or upset.
When you think, "There are people out there who don't even have shoes and here I am complaining that I had to walk five measly blocks home," you're right. There are people who have it worse than you do, BUT your life and your feelings are still valid. You can still be pissed off.
It's okay.
If you're so inclined, do something for someone without shoes.
If you're hungry and only have money for peanut butter and jelly, it's okay to be pissed.
Yes, there are people all over the world that go hungry. Feel empathy for them. Do something to help feed them, but you can still be mad that you don't have the money for something more.
Feelings of dissatisfaction with things that happen in your life aren't any less valid because you don't suffer as much as someone else.
As long as you can feel empathy.
Also, as long as you don't live there. Be annoyed, angry, sad, disheartened, happy, all of it or any of it...It's happening to you. You can feel any thing you want to feel. Just don't set up camp there.
Do something nice, when you can, for people who ARE less fortunate than you, but don't feel like it should invalidate your feelings.
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