Monday, September 29, 2014

It's My Life...

...But sure you can tell me how I'm doing it wrong.

Amazingly, this happens more than not.

While I always welcome advice, there is a HUGE difference between giving friendly advice and being downright critical.

I was raised in a critical environment. You see, my family doesn't believe in censors. It's totally true.

I have the same problem too, the only difference between myself and my family is: I'll wait for you to ask me for advice. They don't. They just don't.

If you ask me for advice, I will not sugar coat it. I will, however, try to help you find a solution for whatever your need. If you don't take my advice, that's okay. I won't cry about it.

When someone gives me unsolicited "advice," and then becomes angry because I didn't take it, it pisses me off. First of all, I didn't even ASK you and secondly, fuck off, it's my life!

If I do happen to ask you for advice, this, also, does not give you a license to get angry if I do not use it. It just means I'm looking for multiple ways to tackle a problem and I needed outside perspective.

When my mom tells me, "You're doing it wrong," I get mad. Just because I don't do it like you doesn't mean I'm doing in WRONG, I'm doing it DIFFERENTLY. That's it.

Why is it so hard for people to understand that we are not the same? I will believe, do, think, write, etc., differently than you do. And that's okay!


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