Thursday, September 11, 2014

Square peg... a round hole?

That's how I have spent most of my life.

I have never really fit in to one description. No, it's not because I'm wishy-washy or a waffler, it's because I do what makes me happy (not the eternal, totally found myself happy, but the instant gratification kind of happy).

My blog is sort of the same thing. I write about what is in my head, it doesn't fit the genre descriptions everyone is looking for to classify me.

Why do we have to classify people (blogs/books/music) anyhow?

If it's for ease of use, that's ridiculous. In a world of *ease of use,* society needs a few bumps in the road. It needs outside of the box thinkers, people who dance to the beat of a different drum, all the clichés about people who are just themselves.

I am just myself. Some days, I'm a fuzzy pajama-pant wearing, hair unkempt in a claw clip, no shower-taking kind of gal; others, I'm a perfectly coiffed, well-dressed, hot mama. Sometimes I'm Wal-Mart and sometimes I'm Liz Claiborne. And you know what? That's okay.

Being a chameleon in life is a good thing. Adapting to surroundings and moods are essential in an ever changing life. Being yourself is imperative. It's the MOST important thing you can be. Well, it's the second most important thing you can be.

The MOST important thing you can be is accepting. Accepting that not everyone (or everything) fits into a nice neat package. Sometimes the paper is torn, the bow is lopsided, or the tape is a little loose. Sometimes the wrapping is a different season, color, or pattern than we expected.

There is more to this life than trying to segregate, compartmentalize, or even restructure things (or people) who are different that we think they should be.

So I don't fit into a category (and neither does my blog) and I'm great with that!


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