Sunday, September 7, 2014

So you wanna...

build a family?

It's been about a month since the big move (yep, I managed to pull it off in two months). We are now a family all under the same roof. Talk about big adjustments.

The kids are enjoying their schools. They've all made friends, have worked their way into sports, and genuinely are happy to have Dad around. You can see the differences, in some ways.

As for me, it's been pretty cool. I've been pleasantly surprised at this transition. So many areas that I thought would be extremely difficult, are not. At all.

I think the worst part is; on his two weeks on, he can't be relied on for anything (if he's even home for more than to sleep).

It's not like it's a bad thing. I mean, it's not fun, but it's not his fault. Being on call twenty-four hours a day for fifteen days makes it hard on him. He feels guilty when he gets called in and someone has a game or something special going on that day. I explained to him that, in the long run, he will get to go to more *stuff* and he has to let it go when he can't.

I try really hard to remind myself to let it go, but sometimes that's hard too. It's so easy to throw a sigh or an eye roll, without even thinking about it, in his direction. It's happened. I have apologized. (Yep I have! Scary, I know!)

He's getting to see how the kids really behave, what uphill battles I faced daily with him gone all the time. He's backed me up for the most part, which is more than I expected. I love surprises (especially good ones)!

Most of all, our dynamic has changed, but that's another post.

What have I learned from this?

Sometimes, a leap of faith is what it takes.


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