Monday, January 7, 2013

Caution: Mid-life Crisis Ahead...

and in full swing!

I've surmised that I must be in the beginning stages of a mid-life crisis.

Rather than buying a fast car (which I would totally do if I didn't have 3 bundles of joy who had to fit in it) or trading in my husband for a younger man (they're SO hard to train and WAY too much work!), I've decided that it's time to transform me.

Yeah I know I went on and on about all the things that I wanted to change about myself, but how I probably never would. Well, this is a part of my joyous personality laced with spontaneity and immaturity.

Yep, I said immaturity. I'm a perpetual 20 year old trapped in a (nearly) 40 year old body. I really don't think I will ever grow out of the "hmmm 20 bucks in the bank or 20 bucks for something that gives me instant gratification" stage of my life. Quite frankly, I don't want to.

Hopefully, I can build enough of a legacy, that when I do kick the bucket, my kids will say "Damn my mom was awesome!" instead of "Damn! She didn't leave us an assload of money!"

I mean really, I know it's not financially responsible to not have a padded bank account, but live now, or die with lots of money I can't take with me? I don't ever want to say "I wish I did," I want to say "I did!"

I want my kids to say "I had everything I ever wanted AND my mom made sure I got to see and do everything I possibly could!"

Yeah, I know some day we'll be "retired" and have to have money then, but that's what 401ks and IRAs are for. I'd rather throw 40 bucks in the gas tank and see The World's Largest Ball of Twine than throw it in a savings account and say "I have money in the bank that I'm not going to use so I'll just sit in the same chair in the same house and do the same thing day after day."

As long as there is food on the table, a roof over our heads, and clothes for our bodies, we're ahead of a lot of people in this world.

So my fun-loving spontaneity will never be quelled and my immaturity will never cease. Those things allow me to dance in the rain, sing off key, and embarrass my kids every chance I get (because I mean what fun would having kids be if you can't embarrass the hell out of them by being silly!).

Don't let life stifle you!


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