Thursday, January 24, 2013

Yeah I know...

I blew my New Years resolution out of the water. In my defense, I do this for free, I do it for pleasure, and I do it in my free time. There wasn't a lot of free time over the last couple of weeks where I had something to write about.

"Really?" you might say. Yep. Unless you wanted to hear me whine about barf, fevers, and the flu, I promise, you didn't miss much!

I have been so damn tired from all the sick kids in my house, it takes me 5 minutes just to figure out where the hell I am most of the time.

I figured you got enough coverage of the "Manti Te'o Scandal" to hold you over until I had something brilliant to say.

My brilliance for today. Does anyone really give a flying fuck about whether or not Beyoncé lip-synced (synced? sank? sunk? whatever) the National Anthem? Does it matter? Will millions of puppies and kittens die if she didn't sing the song live? Uh. NO!

Do I have a problem with sex-offenders being able to go incognito on social media websites? ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY!

That's like putting a skilled deer hunter in the middle of a deer refuge with a loaded gun.

Neither scenario is going to end well.

Common sense government? We don't have that here. Now I'm well aware there are different types of sex offenders. There's the 19 year old kid that stuck his wanker into a 16 year old girl and her daddy got pissed and called the cops. I also know that they rate each sex offender differently. Regardless, There's NO WAY IN HELL sex offenders should be allowed to have accounts on social media. Not even if they were required (HAHA) to have a "sex offender" tag on their accounts.

I cannot POSSIBLY understand how the hell that is unconstitutional; not letting sex offenders have social media accounts. Quite frankly, I don't think they should be allowed to use the internet, but the regulation of that is near impossible, since the government has a hard enough time getting them to keep up with their current address registry.

You can microchip a dog or a cat, but you can't microchip a criminal? Seriously? Oh right, because they earned a FREE college degree (that any other upstanding citizen has to pay through the nose for) they're changed people.


Well, I guess I did have something to say (maybe it's not brilliant, but it is what it is).


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