Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Over the river...

                And through the mountains, home from vacation we go. Two days trapped in my van with the three kids has yielded much fodder. It has also tested my patience. Repeatedly. Over and over and over again. You get the idea. It might seem like overkill, but I assure you if you were trapped in my van with these three kids you would see that this is an understatement!
Thank God for technology. It made the drive better than what it could have been. Although, it is sad to see license plate bingo go the way of the dodo.

If the little one asks me what state we’re in again, I think my head might explode. No, I’m not being over-dramatic. Okay, maybe a little. Nope. Not at all. She has gone through spurts where she asks every 5 minutes what state we’re in and when I tell her she says, “No we’re not!” Really? We’re not? You know where we are? Then STOP ASKING ME!!!

Then you get the oldest playing parent. “Stop it! Didn’t you hear what Mom said?!”  I hear myself out of his mouth every once in a while. It makes me stop and think “Do I really sound like that?” Yup. I do. 

I would resolve to not yell as much in 2013, but I can’t even type that without going “Yeah, right!”

New Year’s resolutions are bullshit anyhow. It’s all the stuff that sucked last year with “I resolve” stuck in front of it. If you didn’t change it last year, what makes you think you’ll change it this year?

Yeah I know, hope. Hope is a wonderful thing. It truly is, BUT hope is kind of like ‘want’ (you know, “want in one hand, shit in the other and see which fills up first”) Hope has to have some kind of action tied to it. You can’t just hope for a new car and it will fall into your lap. You can’t hope to lose weight while eating that Big Mac. Why can’t we say something like “I will try to be less lazy this year.” or “ I won’t be as big of a douche this year.” What’s wrong with that?  Baby steps people.

Resolutions don’t have to be life changing, they can be a tool that is used to make things suck just that much less!


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