hear me roar with frustration!
Women are so many different things to so many different people in their lives. It can become very frustrating.
Women in general are complicated beasts. Yeah I called us beasts, because we are. We love fiercely, we give fiercely, we're fiercely protective of our friends and families.
We also deal with a lot of pressure. Life is like a pressure cooker, if we don't vent before we finish we're likely to explode!
As a mom and wife, I spent many years lost in what I thought SHOULD be my only world, my husband and my kids. I listened to my mom, my in-laws, and numerous friends about how a parent and wife should be.
Well you know what? FUCK THAT! Losing myself in soccer and baseball and cheer and school and homework and housework and cooking and baking and and and...You get my point. I totally lost who I was because I deferred to people who "knew what they were doing."
Some people are perfectly happy doing those things and honestly, I love doing those things for my family (most of the time). BUT (and it's a big one)...It didn't complete me.
In recent years, I've found friends that I wouldn't have found if I was the old me. I've decided to not sweat what other people think. I never did. Ok, that's a lie, I've always said I didn't care what other people thought of me, but I did. Otherwise I wouldn't have done what I did for so long.
I don't feel that way anymore. For several reasons, but the big one is: I was not happy. Nope, not one iota. I was miserable. It hurt my marriage and my relationship with my kids. I resented having to be Susie homemaker.
EVERYONE needs to have something just for them. Hobbies, girls' nights, strip clubs, whatever. As long as it's not detrimental to you, DO IT! And don't feel guilty about doing it either. Ever.
Oh, and PLEASE don't let other simpletons make you feel guilty either!
Those who mind, don't matter and those that matter don't mind!
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